Kupferman presents paper at American Educational Research Association annual meeting

David Kupferman, School of Teaching and Learning, presented a paper at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting in Toronto, Canada this week. AERA is the largest and most prestigious education research conference in North America. His paper, titled “Naked School Lunch: Neoliberal Education Policy as William S. Burroughs’ Control Society,” looks at how the writings of William Burroughs […]

Student Senate elections

Student Senate elections begin Monday, April 8 and end on Friday, April 12. The following candidates have declared their candidacy: William Hagen: President Maryan Adepitan: Vice-President Jill Maahs: Secretary Emily Deglman: Treasurer Mohamed Conde: International Student Senator Mohammed Azad: International Student Senator Baylee Hanson: College of Education and Human Services Ethan Gerbig: College of Science, Health & the Environment Arsema […]

Graduate student commencement information

Graduate Students — Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! Spring 2019 Degree Completion DeadlinesLast day to submit Form 3 to Graduate Studies Office: April 5, 2019Last day to submit Form 4 to Graduate Studies Office: May 15, 2019Commencement: May 17, 2019 Important information for you to know: 1. Have you notified the Graduate Studies Office that you are commencing by submitting Form 3 […]

1 Million Cups at MSUM

Wednesday, April 3 | 9:15-10:15 a.m. | Gaede Stage Social entrepreneurs and MSUM Dragons Ashleigh Arntson and Than Baardson will be sharing their experiences establishing each of their non-profit organizations and the important work they do for the community. Ashleigh, a senior at MSUM, is the co-founder of If The Dress Fits, an organization that helps teens have the best […]