Huntley presents at Children’s Literature Association Conference

Natalie Huntley, a May 2019 graduate in Elementary Inclusive Education, with additional licenses in special education and middle level math, presented a session at the Children’s Literature Association Conference in Indianapolis June 13-15. Her presentation, “Somali Representation in Children’s Literature,” is the result of her efforts to find literature that reflects the lived experiences of Somali families. Huntley was an […]

Graduate Program Consortium for Concurrent Enrollment Instructors Course Creation/Modification/Conversion RFP

The Graduate Program Consortium for Concurrent Enrollment Instructors Workgroup was formed in response to the Academic and Student Affairs division proposal for Collaboration Funding for Multi-Campus Collaborations. This consortium was awarded funds and is charged with designing and delivering a strategic rollout of predominately online graduate courses across several disciplines to meet the recently clarified expectations from the HLC for […]

Bradbury earns tenth QM Certification for course design

Dr. Boyd Bradbury, School of Teaching & Learning, recently earned Quality Matters Certification for his online course: ED 783 Strategic Assessment and Accountability in Education. This is Dr. Bradbury’s tenth course to earn QM Certification. QM reviews are a rigorous peer review process, recognized at both the state and national levels. Congratulations to Dr. Bradbury on his achievement! For more […]

MSUM new hires

Please join us in welcoming the following employees to Minnesota State University Moorhead!  Make sure to stop by their departments to say hello and let them know it’s a GREAT day to be a Dragon! May 22, 2019 Anthony Kinkel – Adjunct, School of Teaching & LearningElizabeth McGlennen – Adjunct, Paseka School of Business

Start of semester tasks for instructors

Instructors: Your D2L Brightspace shells for Summer 2019 have been created. If you do not see your course or need courses merged, please email For helpful tips on preparing for the new term, please refer to the following links:  Start of Semester Tasks Getting Started in D2L Brightspace Online Courses: Starting Well If you have questions, please contact the Office of Online Learning by emailing or by phone at 218.477.2603 […]