Second annual Ethics Day is Wednesday

Please join us for….. College of Business and Innovation’s 2nd Annual Ethics Day Wednesday, March 12 Noon panel: CMU Ballroom 12-1:15 p.m. Lunch served beginning at 11:45 a.m. Professionals from local and regional businesses and industries will be on campus to speak to students in courses about ethical dilemmas they have faced in their careers and how they have resolved […]

Biz, education degrees dominate area colleges

By: Cali Owings, INFORUM FARGO – Each year, Fargo-Moorhead area colleges graduate a higher proportion of education and business students than students in any other field. Of the 87,000 students who have earned bachelor’s degrees from North Dakota State University, Minnesota State University Moorhead and Concordia College in the past 25 years, nearly a third studied business or education […]

Fall 2014 registration windows

Registration for the Fall 2014 semester is scheduled from March 10-14 and March 24-28, 2014. During this time, currently enrolled or returning students have an opportunity to register before new students. Registration proceeds according to the number of semester hours individual students have completed. Students with more earned semester hours are allowed to register earlier than students with less semester […]