MSUM StartupBrew Takeover was a Success

Thank you to all Dragon faculty, staff, students and alumni who helped make MSUM’s StartupBrew takeover a success. We saw RED! Graphic communications alum and inventor/founder of the Kid Caddie Ben Fairbanks and communication studies alum and co-founder of The Plant Supply Jordan Maahs shared their stories of entrepreneurship and inspiration. Thank you to Dr. Michael Johnson and members of the […]

UPenn Journal Features Faith Sycaoyao’s Creative Journey

Faith Sycaoyao, an MSUM Business and Econ student and artist, has been featured in the Penn Journal of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania. This publication showcases Faith’s artistic journey and the themes she explores through her work. Despite growing up in a family focused on healthcare and business, Faith pursued art independently, addressing important issues related to […]

Student Vocal Octet will perform at StartUpBREW

Wednesday, Sept. 18 | 8 to 9:30 a.m. | Brewhalla (1702 1st Ave. N., Fargo) | WEAR RED Members of the MSUM Concert Choir will form a vocal octet to present a special performance at StartupBREW on Wednesday, Sept. 18. Come support these students as you are able! Directed by Dr. Michael Johnson, members include: Sopranos:Genevieve NelsonTiana Taylor Altos:Kayla HuebnerMiranda Langford […]