Faculty Development Session: The scantron and beyond

Faculty Development Session: The scantron and beyond Monday, April 8, from 7:45-8:30 a.m. in CMU 203. What are some innovative and efficient ways to use our scantron system? What kind of assessments are faculty doing that go well beyond the scantron into project-based and performance-based assessments? Panelists include: Steve Lindaas, Benji Smith, Mary Dosch, Russ Colson, and Teresa Shume.

Nonprofit Breakfast Social April 8

All faculty and staff are invited to attend the Nonprofit Breakfast Social to visit with local nonprofit representatives about service-learning opportunities for their students. Mike Coquyt, the service-learning coordinator for campus, will also be available to discuss the benefits of service-learning and incorporating it into classes. The social will be held in the CMU ballroom on Monday, April 8. (Need […]

50th Celebration of Nations Saturday

50th Celebration of Nations is on Saturday, April 6th from 6 to 10 p.m. Children’s World will be from 4-6 p.m. in the Comstock Memorial Union ballroom. Along with this being the 50th year of hosting this great event it’s also a record number of international students on our campus. This semester we have a total of 430 enrolled international […]

First Year Experience Task Force hosts open forums

The First Year Experience Task Force will host open forums on Thursday, April 4, at the following times: 8:30 a.m. in CMU 227, 10:30 a.m. in CMU 203 and 3:30 p.m. in CMU 207. The purpose of the forums is to update the campus community on the progress the task force has made and to obtain input on some outstanding […]