Encourage graduating seniors to attend Job Search Boot Camp May 20

Faculty, if you have graduating seniors who are still looking for their first professional position, tell them about the Job Search Boot Camp on Monday, May 20. This is a full day event designed to jumpstart the job search. The day will include presentations and networking opportunities with local employers, a formal etiquette luncheon, resume critique and practice interviews with […]

MSUM Internship and Career Fair

March 27, 1-3 p.m.  CMU Ballroom Free and open to all students! Local employers and non-profits will be on campus today recruiting students for internships, part-time and full-time employment opportunities. Students are also welcome to attend last minute prep sessions from 9 a.m.-11 a.m., or get a last minute resume review from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. in CMU 227.

March Major Madness Covers Spectrum of Career Exploration

Encourage your students to attend career workshops MSUM prepares graduates for careers. However, getting from point A to point B isn’t always an easy path! That’s why the Career Development Center hosts March Major Madness, a series of workshops to help students with all facets of career exploration—discovering interests, learning about majors, matching careers to majors, and preparing for internships […]