Appreciation & Send-Off Party

Wednesday, May 8 | Noon-1:30 p.m. | Women’s Center Dr. Kandace Creel-Falcón will be leaving MSUM at semester’s end, and to send her off, we’ll gather in the Women’s Center (Bridges 154) on Study Day to wish her luck on the next leg of her journey. Please join us for some food and cake and to express our appreciation for all that she’s done for our […]

OLC and QM accounts for faculty

MSUM is a subscribing member to both the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) and Quality Matters (QM). These national organizations provide tools and resources to improve the quality of online, hybrid and technology-enhanced education. In an ongoing effort to provide faculty with information about best practices, webinars, and initiatives, the Office of Online Learning would like to create accounts on your behalf for each of […]

Choir Concert

Monday, May 6 | 7:30-9 p.m. | Glasrud Auditorium Dr. Erynn Millard will be conducting the Choir Concert “Spirit and Soul,” featuring the University Choir as well as the Concert Choir on Monday, May 6 at 7:30 p.m. in Glasrud Auditorium, Weld Hall.