Dalhouses publish chapter

Doris Walker-Dalhouse, Professor Emerita, STL and A. Derick Dalhouse, Psychology, have a chapter published in Immigration in the 21st Century: Political, Social, and Economic Issues, edited by Judy Ho and Published by Nova Publishers, N.Y. The title of the chapter is Preservice Teachers Culturally Relevant Beliefs: The Impact of a Clinical Experience Tutoring Sudanese Students.

Brad Bachmeier appointed to North Dakota Council on the Arts board by Governor Dalrymple

NDCA Announces New Board Appointments The North Dakota Council on the Arts (NDCA) announces the addition of Terry Jelsing of Rugby, Dr. Rich Johnson of Devils Lake, Professor Brad Bachmeier of Fargo, and Sarah Snavely of Bowman. They were recently appointed to serve on the NDCA’s board of directors effective August 2013. We would like to welcome Terry, Richard, Brad […]

Positive Reactions is looking for designers

Requirements -Must be able to attend meetings on Fridays at 10 a.m. in the mass comm lounge in MacLean Hall, office 262-Forum Media Center -Must have design talent and be proficient in Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator -Student who has taken graphic design ART and GCOM courses preferred -If not a graphic design/GCOM student, must have taken desktop publishing, layout […]