BFA Exhibition Reception

BFA Exhibition Reception Thursday, Oct. 24. The Department of Art and Design invites the public to the reception for the Fall Bachelor of Fine Arts Exhibition #1 on Thursday, Oct. 24 from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Roland Dille Center for Arts Gallery (CA 105). Artwork Created by senior BFA candidates Danielle Holzschuh, Kayla Duffney, Claire Ea Fiedler, Caleb […]

Celebrate Wayne Gudmundson’s contributions to MSUM Nov. 18

Please note the date change from yesterday’s post. Wayne’s celebration is Monday, Nov. 18 not today. Students, faculty and staff are invited to celebrate Wayne Gudmundson’s career and contributions to MSUM in the mass communications lounge located on the second floor of MacLean Hall Monday, Nov. 18 from 1:30-3 p.m.

Hong’s edited Korean-language essays accepted for publication

Chang-Seong Hong, Philosophy, collected and edited six Korean-language essays on Buddhism written by six different authors and had the article accepted for publication in Seoul Korea. He titled this collection “Twelve Letters and Six Essays” and wrote its “Introduction.” The collection will appear in Buddhist Review, a Korean-language Buddhist magazine, in December 2014. Hong contributed his own essay for this […]