2011 illustration grad signs major book deal

This article is from publishersweekly.com. By Sally Lodge It’s a true story that reads like fiction – and it’s one that should raise the spirits of any aspiring author. Elise Parsley, a 27-year-old piano teacher in Plymouth, Minn., leapt from being an unpublished, agentless author-illustrator to one with both an agent and a book contract in three days. The quick-fire […]

Blackhurst and Gracyk discussed budgeting cutting process on Prairie Public Radio

Listen to their conversation with Main Street’s Doug Hamilton Minnesota State University Moorhead’s student population has fallen in the past few years. Anne Blackhurst, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, and Ted Gracyk, president of the faculty association, explained the process of cutting the budget to make ends meet. The end result will trim jobs and programs. Listen […]

Falcón served on U of M panel

Dr. Kandace Creel Falcón, Women and Gender Studies, served as a panelist for the Engaging Pedagogies Colloquia sponsored by the Department of Potsecondary Teaching and Learning held at the University of Minnesota December 12, 2013. The colloquium “Engagement Matters: Community Engagement and the Purpose of Higher Education” invited faculty from five different institutions to discuss how has community engagement shaped […]