Upsilon Sigma inducts eight new members

The Upsilon Sigma chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society at MSUM inducted eight new members on February 6, 2014. Those inducted were: Eric Bares, Peggy Morken, Kelly Mulvaney, Jordan Pinneke, Jenna Polley, Shannon Sitz, Katy Tellinghuisen and Cecelia Winter. These students were recognized for their devotion and commitment to Spanish language learning and culture, but […]

Krajewski presents lecture

Dr. Michael J. Krajewski, Music, presented a lecture entitled “Developing Interactive Course Material” at the regional Technology In Music Education (TI:ME) and Ohio Music Educators Association (OMEA) conference in Columbus, Ohio in February 2014.      

Submit your poetry, prose or art

Red Weather, the annual literary journal edited and designed by students at Minnesota State University Moorhead, wants your most polished poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, one-act plays, and visual art (photographs, illustrations, graphics, drawings, paintings, or other media) for inclusion in our thirty-third issue, Red Weather 2014. Submission period ends February 22, 2014.