Music Industry student nominated for European music tour

Freshman Music Industry student Michael Eback Gant was nominated for the Northern Ambassador European Music Tour for the summer of 2015. Gant, a bass vocalist, will tour England, France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Italy, and Germany, a tour that normally costs participants $7,000. Gant’s costs will be completely covered by the program.  

StarID to replace DragonNet

StarID: GET IT. KNOW IT. USE IT. On Sunday, October 12, 2014, your MSUM DragonNet login will change to your StarID. StarID is a username that is used across MnSCU to access information technology systems and services. This conversion has already occurred for most other MnSCU campuses and will draw us closer to being part of a MnSCU-wide standard where […]

Final Trinidad abroad interest meeting tonight

Which is better: Fargo in January, or the Caribbean ANYTIME? Find out about MSUM’s first-ever Trinidad Abroad program, Jan. 2nd-12th, TONIGHT (Monday, Sept. 29th) in the CMU Comstock Room (near the Pizza Hut) at 7 p.m. This is your LAST CHANCE to find out about the LASC course attached with the trip, costs, and all the things you’ll learn while […]

Alumni Artist Talk, Monday 1 p.m.

The School of Visual Arts at Minnesota State University Moorhead invites the public to join artists Kaylyn Gerenz and Chelsea Lee in the Roland Dille Center for the Arts Gallery (CA 155) on Monday, September 29 at 1pm for an informal artist talk. Both artists have work on display in the current show, MSUM Alumni Exhibition: New Works. The exhibition […]