Start preparing for the Student Academic Conference

Student-centered education through mentoring student research and creative activities It’s not too early to inform your students of the upcoming 18th Annual Student Academic Conference. Although the conference isn’t until April 12, 2016, encourage them to start researching and preparing their presentations. Consider making participation or attendance in the SAC part of your spring semester syllabus. To view SAC Handbooks […]

Start preparing for the Student Academic Conference

Student-centered education through mentoring student research and creative activities Ask your advisor or professor how you can participate in the 18th Annual Student Academic Conference and showcase your academic project on April 12, 2016. It’s not too early to start researching and preparing your presentations. To view SAC Handbooks from the past, read about past keynote speakers and find out […]

Fargo pottery maker creates custom fixtures meant for daily use

MSUM alumnus makes a splash with his functional pottery James Wolberg’s art takes a while to sink in. Some of the 38-year-old Fargo resident’s “functional pottery” is designed to handle beard stubble, soap and toothpaste — that comes with the territory when making bathroom sinks that look good but still work like a normal fixture. “I’ve spent plenty of time […]

Fundraising Art Sale Ends Thursday

The faculty donated art sale at the Roland Dille Center for the Arts Gallery ends this Thursday, October 22 at 9pm. The art sale is part of the larger faculty exhibition “Rainbows/Doom”. Proceeds from the sale will fund the Tim Ray Memorial Endowed Scholarship and the Carl Oltvedt Juried Student Award Scholarship. Included in the fundraising sale are works by: […]