MSUM Art Education Alumni Jescia Hopper wins prestigious national award

Jescia Hopper, a middle school art teacher at DGF schools recently finished her Master’s degree and Thesis from Maryland Institute College of Art. This year the United States Society for Education through Art (USSEA) initiated a new national “Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award.” This award recognizes exceptional master’s work that promotes “pluralistic perspectives, deepens human and cultural understanding, and/or builds respect for diverse learners.” It is […]

Trinidad trip for your global studies course

Thinking about your course load for this coming year? Make plans to knock-out a LASC Goal 8 “Global Studies” course (“World Music Survey”) in Trinidad from Dec. 30-Jan. 9. Miss only ONE day of classes and experience the culture and music of the Caribbean! For more information, watch MSUM Trinidad Abroad on Youtube or go to the Trinidad Abroad webpage. […]

Summer and Fall 2016 registration begins March 29

Registration for the summer and fall 2016 semester is scheduled to begin March 29th, 2016.  Fall registration proceeds according to the number of semester hours individual students have completed with grades.  Students with more earned semester hours are allowed to register earlier than students with less semester hours.

Art Alumnae Earn Fellowships to Rigorous Graduate Programs

Faculty nurture artists and learners By Trent Zbichorski, Freelance Writer At one time, MSUM alumnae Stephanie Seguin, Kaylyn Gerenz and Jescia Hopper entered Roland Dille Center for the Arts for the first time to begin their art journey. MSUM not only nurtured each of them to excel artistically, but also prepared them for rigorous graduate-level work. Each artist has received […]