Dr. Sue Humphers-Ginther named co-chair of the Gerontology Educators Network

Dr. Sue Humphers-Ginther, along with Dr. Phyllis Greenberg, Gerontology Graduate Program Director at St. Cloud State University, were recently named Co-Chairs of the Gerontology Educators Network, an initiative of the Minnesota Gerontological Society. MGS is professional membership organization composed of social service professionals, housing experts, health care providers, researchers, policy analysts, program administrators, educators, retirees, consultants, university students, and others […]

‘The Prairie Post Office’ receives top honors from North Dakota Library Association

The Prairie Post Office: Enlarging the Common Life in Rural North Dakota took top honors in the Notable State Government Documents Award from the North Dakota Library Association. The book will now advance to the national level for consideration at the American Library Association. Written by Amy Phillips (formerly MSUM Social Work) and Steven Bolduc (Economics), with photography by Wayne […]

MSUM Professor’s radio drama, HERETIC, to be broadcast Oct. 9

HERETIC, a radio drama by Minnesota playwright and Minnesota State University Moorhead professor Richard Zinober, will be broadcast by Sundog Theater on Tuesday, October 9 at 7 p.m. central time. Sundog Theatre is a Staten Island-based performing arts company that performs original, contemporary, and thought-provoking theatre. The play can be heard online at https://sundogtheatre.org/production/the-originals-fall-radio-plays-2018/ A winner of the Theatre du Mississippi New […]