Nico, the iguana, dies

Nico, the Biosciences Department iguana, has passed away. Some facts about Nico: He was acquired in the spring of 2001 at the age of about 5 years. He was donated to the university by a member of the community who could no longer care for a quickly growing lizard. He suffered from a mild case of metabolic bone disease when first acquired, but he was nursed back to health by some very caring student workers. He was the latest in a line of resident iguanas that goes back about 30 years. The Biosciences iguana has always been a favorite stop for campus tour groups, preschool groups, and members of the community. He was about 14 years old when he passed, which is quite old for an iguana. He suffered from no obvious health issues, and died peacefully in his sleep. Click headline for a picture.

World of Change on campus Oct. 26

The 10th annual World of Change conference for regional teachers of the social and natural sciences and mathematics will be held on campus Monday, Oct. 26. It is sponsored by the College of Social and Natural Sciences. Regional teachers from North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota will attend workshops hosted by faculty and staff members from Biosciences, Chemistry, Mathematics, Psychology, and Physics and Astronomy. Click headline to read more.


Five MSUM bioscience and chemistry students (Andrew Haak, Daniel Rastadt, Jenny Canine, Nicole Haverland, Craig Kutz) and faculty, (Mark Wallert, David Rodenbaugh and Joseph Provost ) presented their biochemistry and biotechnology research projects at the 2009 Federation of Experimental Biology National Meeting in New Orleans April 17-22. The students each presented their work at the biochemistry and physiology poster competition […]