Molly Strong inducted into ΧΩΛ honor society

At the 2015 national meeting of the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, junior Biochemistry and Biotechnology major Molly Strong was inducted into ΧΩΛ, the ASBMB Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Honors Society. Honor Society membership requires excellence in academics, undergraduate research, and scientific outreach. Molly is the first MSUM student to receive this honor. Molly does her research in […]

Wallert and students present at national meeting

Dr. Mark Wallert, Chemistry and Biochemistry, and six MSUM Biosciences and Chemistry & Biochemistry students, presented at the 2015 American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) March 28-April 1. Wallert served as a theme organizer for the ASBMB Education and Professional Development theme for the meeting and gave an invited talk entitled, “Diversifying training options for undergraduate and graduate […]

Brian Wisenden co-edits fish ecology book

By Brittany Dunnigan Ecologist. Teacher. Scholar. All three of these titles can be used to describe Dr. Brian Wisenden, fish chemical ecologist and professor at Minnesota State University Moorhead. And as of late, he can also claim the title of book editor as Wisenden recently co-edited and contributed two chapters to a new book now available in bookstores and libraries […]

Creating Buzz about Bees

Biosciences majors to present at Student Academic Conference on April 14 By Brittany Dunnigan When many people think of bees, honey is the first thing that comes to mind. These incredible little insects, however, play a much larger role in sustaining our ecosystem than simply supplying this sweet treat. Senior James Kawlewski and junior Marissa Reeves, Biosciences students at MSUM, […]