Dragon Sports Media and GO! TEAM Earn Three National Honors

MSUM Dragon Sports Media and their GO! TEAM internship program took home two National Association of Collegiate Marketing Administrators ‘Best Of’ Awards and a Sports Video Group College Sports Media Awards finalist honor this summer. The NACMA ‘Best Of’ Awards are a national honor awarded to three different groups in a variety of categories. Group I is the BCS Division […]

New MSUMDragons.com Designed with Fans in Mind

Hello there, I’m Jon Wepking and I’m the assistant athletics director for marketing and production at MSUM and I’m also the facilitator for the new design of this website. I’m here to tell you all about the new MSUMDragons.com and I’m going to change things up a bit and address you all directly, because it’s fun.

Dragons Past and Present Get First Taste of Scheels Field

MOORHEAD, Minn. — Minnesota State University Moorhead junior linebacker Aaron Bohl couldn’t hide his anticipation. “I’ve been waiting so long to get on this field,” Bohl said. On Tuesday afternoon, Bohl and several of his Dragon football teammates got their wish — stepping onto the new completed Scheels Field at Nemzek Stadium turf for the first time.  Former Dragon football […]