Advising Committee announces award winners

The Advising Committee announces the winners of the student-nominated Advising Awards. The winners from each college are: College of Arts and Humanities: Denise Gorsline, College of Business and Industry: Wayne Gudmundson, College of Education and Human Services: Coleen Roller, and College of Social and Natural Sciences: Lee Vigilant. Click headline to see all nominees.

Advising sessions Monday

Basic Academic Advising, Session I: Monday, September 28, 3:30-5:30 p.m., BR 263 (Appropriate for new faculty, or returning faculty who are new to advising.) More on Academic Advising, Session II: Tuesday, September 29, 3:30-5:30 p.m., BR 263 (An introduction to and information on the other components of advising.) Read more at