New Director of the Honors Program and Center for Engaged Learning

I am happy to announce Dr. Erik Gooding is our new Director of the Honors Program and the Center for Engaged Learning. Erik is an anthropology professor in the Department of Anthropology and Earth Science. He will draw upon his experiences as a community engagement director for a local Indigenous non-profit, his recent four-year participation in a Bush Foundation Community […]

MSUM Faculty and Students Conduct Research at the Poverty Point World Heritage Site

Last week a group of students and faculty from Minnesota State University Moorhead traveled to the Poverty Point World Heritage Site in northeast Louisiana. The main focus of their efforts was to examine places of interest identified during a 3D Ground Penetrating Radar survey of the site in November 2019. This project, led by Rinita Dalan (Anthropology and Earth Science), […]

Dalan Appointed to Preservation Technology and Training Board

Rinita Dalan, Anthropology and Earth Science, has been appointed by the Secretary of the Interior to serve a 4-year term on the Nation’s Preservation Technology and Training Board. The Board is an advisory body to the National Park Service’s National Center for Preservation Technology and Training, established by Congress in 1992, reporting to the Secretary of the Interior. Members of […]