MSU Moorhead offers unique opportunity for prospective students to interact with faculty and receive scholarship dollars

Fulfilling Our Promise in Your Neighborhood Minnesota State University Moorhead will be in the Twin Cities for its “Fulfilling Our Promise in Your Neighborhood” event. Prospective students and their families are invited to visit with university staff, professors and alumni, without having to leave their community. During the event we will offer a mock-classroom experience, provide on-site admission decisions, and […]

National search begins for Director of Undergraduate Admissions

A national search will begin to fill the position of Director of Undergraduate Admissions following the resignation of Rance Larsen, effective Nov. 8, 2013. During the interim, responsibilities for leading the department are being shared by Yvette Underdue Murph, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, and senior admissions staff members Jim Anderson, Nina Johnson and Liz Gunther.

MSUM waives application fees to celebrate “College Knowledge Month”

MSUM offers free application for admission Oct. 25-31, 2013 The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) system is participating in “College Knowledge Month,” a statewide effort to provide every graduating high school senior with the preparation, opportunity and support needed to apply to college. In conjunction with this effort, Minnesota State University Moorhead and 24 other MnSCU colleges and universities, […]

Campus Visit Days this week

As many of you know, MSU Moorhead will host over 800 visitors, including over 350 prospective students during this week’s Campus Visit Days this Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 17-19. We will host 5 programs over 3 days and we thank you in advance for any and all preparations you make to help this campus-wide recruitment event a success. This is a big […]