What’s Happening in Admissions

Each week the Office of Admissions will be sharing a few things happening on campus and in our recruiting territories. We hope to provide a brief look into what’s happening in Admissions. This past week was free app week at MSU Moorhead with today being the last day for prospective students to get their application fee waived. We saw a […]

What’s Happening in Admissions

Each week the Office of Admissions will be sharing a few things happening on campus and in our recruiting territories. We hope to provide a brief look into what’s happening in Admissions. This past week, the Admissions Department hosted Preview Days for prospective students. Over 400 interested students and parents were on campus between Thursday and Saturday learning about MSUM, […]

What’s Happening in Admissions

Each week the Office of Admissions will be sharing a few things happening on campus and in our recruiting territories. We hope to provide a brief look into what’s happening in Admissions. This week the admissions department will be hosting Preview Days!  Preview days are held Oct. 20-22 with sessions held in both the morning and afternoon.  During the sessions, prospective […]

Strategic plans available on SharePoint site

The Strategic Enrollment Plan, Diversity Plan and Academic Master Plan are now available on one SharePoint site. There is a place to add comments on this site as well. You need to login with your StarID credentials in order to view the plans. https://public.sp.mnstate.edu/sites/strategic_plans/SitePages/Home.aspx