Zero Cost Textbooks Save Students $8.5 Million

ST. PAUL, Minn., April 4, 2024 – Students have saved an estimated $8.5 million through the use of zero-cost textbooks at the colleges of Minnesota State. Ten Minnesota State colleges now offer Z-degrees – entire degree programs which students can complete with zero textbook costs using Open Educational Resources or other no-cost options. “Over the course of an entire degree program, […]

Karen Qualey featured in news story about $100K Z-degree courses

By MacGregor SharpeMarch 27, 2024 MOORHEAD — Minnesota State University Moorhead is getting ready to offer courses that have no costs connected to textbooks, resources or materials. They’re called Z-degrees. The state is giving MSUM $100,000, to develop the courses. The average student spends between roughly $700 to $1,200 for books and supplies. Z-degrees will be unveiled in the spring of […]

English Professor Visits Moorhead High School

Kevin Zepper (English) was invited to speak and teach at Moorhead High School on March 26th-27th. Zepper covered the concepts of creativity, creative courage, and pop culture impact. Instructor Aimee Hilger’s students wrote prose and poetry with prompts, connecting their creative writing to McBeth and college research papers. Zepper also discussed expectations of college level writing and student responsibility on […]

Meet MSUM’s Goldwater nominees

Anthropology student nominated for prestigious Goldwater Scholarship | Computer Science Student Cracks the Code for National Scholarship Nomination MSU Moorhead had two 2023-24 Goldwater Scholarship nominees: Judah Nava (Computer Science) and Samantha Peterson (Anthropology). The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship Program is a nationally recognized and prestigious program designed to provide support to highly qualified students who are planning on pursuing […]