Jan. 26 APAC Agenda
The January 26 APAC agenda is attached and can be found at this link: http://www.mnstate.edu/acadaff/APAC/2009-2010APAC/apacagendasminutes.htm
Item #3 Psychology has been resubmitted with a revised syllabus.
The January 26 APAC agenda is attached and can be found at this link: http://www.mnstate.edu/acadaff/APAC/2009-2010APAC/apacagendasminutes.htm
Item #3 Psychology has been resubmitted with a revised syllabus.
Psychology Professor Gary Nickell will deliver a Dean’s Lecture on Can the Social Sciences Contribute Solutions to the Challenge of Food Safety? on Thursday, Jan. 21 at 3 p.m. in Science Lab 104. This presentation will discuss recent research conducted with food processing workers, food service employees, and home food preparers on the psychology of food safety. Some of the psychological factors to be discussed will include: attitudes and beliefs, motivation, habits, personality, optimistic bias, and normative messages.
Minutes of the December 1, 2009 APAC meeting are posted on the web at http://www.mnstate.edu/acadaff/APAC/2009-2010APAC/apacagendasminutes.htm
Looking for an interesting book to read over break? Try Thomas Friedman’s Hot, Flat and Crowded. In his book, Friedman asserts that artificially triggered climate change is a deadly threat to society. Rising global population, accompanied by rising rates of resource and energy consumption as the developing world grows affluent, may overwhelm both the Earth and the marketplace. Only fundamental change in energy production and use—”a whole new system for powering our economy”—can stave off disaster. Yet there’s an upside. Hot, Flat, and Crowded contends: Radical change in energy use represents an opportunity for the United States to preserve its global economic leadership, by beating the world to clean-energy ideas that will sell. Click headline to read more.
This is a reminder for those of you who intend to teach a course online Spring semester, either D2L or Moodle, but have not yet submitted your course request. The semester is quickly passing by and Instructional Technology Services would like to create your course as soon as possible. If you have any questions about the process of requesting courses, please reply to this email or call 477-2135.