Teaching online? New media codes you need to know

Information for Department Chairs, Program Coordinators, and Faculty Teaching Online: New Media Codes–MnSCU has made several changes to the media codes that are of particular interest to those teaching online. You may want to begin using these media codes for Fall 2010 courses. They clarify some things for students as the register for classes. Instead of coding all online courses as media code 03, you may want to look at the new media codes 12 and 13. Click headline for more information.

Ceramics class added to summer schedule

The Art and Design Department is offering a rare summer session ceramics option: Contemporary Ceramics and Studio Practices. This course is open to all level of ceramics experience from beginning to advanced, with a majority of the focus on furthering ceramic skills and techniques. Studio assignments will be unique to each student, and will culminate in a developed body of work. See summer registration for schedule details.

Special March 30 APAC meeting

A special APAC meeting has been called for March 30 to discuss the School of Teaching and Learning proposals. The agenda is posted at http://www.mnstate.edu/acadaff/APAC/2009-2010APAC/apacagendasminutes.htm Please note the location is CMU 227.

MSUM targets Twins Cities community colleges

Local university offers four bachelor’s degree programs at schools in the population center.

An explosion in community college enrollment in the Twin Cities promises to bolster numbers for Minnesota State University Moorhead.

Jessica Endres, one of three MSUM Admissions counselors in the Twin Cities, said MSUM’s growing presence in the population center is bringing attention to Moorhead.

MSUM offers four bachelor’s degree programs at community colleges in the Twin Cities that are gaining in popularity. Read Amy Dalrymple’s full Forum story by clicking the headline.