Provost finalists visit campus

Two finalists for the position of Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs will visit MSUM in the next two weeks. Both individuals have excellent qualifications, and we are honored that they have considered MSU Moorhead for the next step in their careers.

All employee excellence awards update

To:   Campus Community From:  President Edna Re:   All Employee Excellence Awards The Rituals and Recognition work group has made a recommendation to consolidate employee excellence awards and retiree recognition into one event. I have accepted that recommendation to merge the awards including the Academic Affairs Excellence, Student Affairs Recognition and Classified Staff categories. Awards will be given during an All-Campus […]

Sign up now for Summer Session 2011

Low enrollment courses may be cancelled after April 21 If you want to take that brewing class you heard about, or learn how to do sign language, or learn the science of a fantastic pineapple-mango salsa in a biochemistry/biotechnology class, sign up before April 21 or these and other classes may be cancelled. A variety of interesting classes are being […]

13th Annual Student Academic Conference

The final schedule for the 13th Annual Student Academic Conference is online at This page also includes a quick reference guide to oral presentation locations with personal itinerary.  The idea of the itinerary is that you could complete it, in advance, with the rooms and times of the presentations you would like to attend. Instructors who encourage attendance at […]