‘Happy ending to beginning’ of $2.5B Mars rover mission

By: Ryan Johnson, INFORUM MOORHEAD – While it was built with valid scientific goals in mind, the premise of the six-wheeled, 2,000-pound Curiosity rover and the engineering feat that landed it on Mars early Monday could strike some as more science fiction than reality. “We have landed a nuclear-powered truck on another world,” said Juan Cabanela, astronomy professor at Minnesota […]

Helen Klassen, former faculty member at MSUM, passed away July 31, 2012

Dr. Helen Klassen began her career at MSUM in the counseling center in 1989 and transferred to the American Multicultural Studies department in the late 1990s. Klassen was a leader in teaching and mentoring Native students. She was innovative and creative in her use of Anishinaabe cultural traditions in her teaching to engage students and enhance their understanding of course content. Klassen once […]