2022-2023 Roland & Beth Dille Fund for Excellence Grant Program – Call for Applications

The Dille Fund for Excellence annually seeks grant proposals from the campus community for projects that raise the quality of education at Minnesota State University Moorhead. All faculty and staff of the MSU Moorhead community are eligible to apply. Proposed projects should demonstrate innovation, uniqueness, and a commitment to improved educational experiences for MSU Moorhead students. A statement of how […]

Poetry Outloud: English Professor visits Valley City High School

Professor Kevin Zepper was invited to Valley City High School, Valley City, North Dakota on October 28th, 2022. His visit was part of the Poetry Out Loud initiative through the North Dakota Council of the Arts. Zepper shared his writing journey and poetry, instructed students to write through using a prompt, and emphasized the importance of language arts in high […]

Save the Date and Register: Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) Faculty Assessments Webinar – Nov. 4

What: CPL Faculty Assessments Webinar: Keeping Up with CPL Policy and Practice When: Friday, Nov. 4, 2022 from 10-11 am Central Time via Zoom (must register to get the Zoom link). Register now!  After registering, can add the event to your calendar and a registration confirmation will come in your Outlook or other inbox. C-PLAN Webinars are recorded. MinnState faculty […]

Save the Date: International Education Week – How to Develop a Successful, Faculty-Led Study Abroad Course

If you have ever considered developing a class that includes a short-term study abroad component, please join Fumi Cheever and Jeremy Carney at one of these discussions for a 360 degree tour of the proposal and development process. Topics covered will include: Required paperwork and approvals Educational theme and itinerary development Contracting with tour vendors Developing a program budget Marketing […]

New Rivers Press and Red Weather Students attend State Book Festival

New Rivers Press and Red Weather Campus Literary Magazine students attended the 22nd annual Twin Cities Book Festival in Minneapolis, Minnesota on Saturday, October 15th. This event showcases regional presses, academic writing programs, and independent publishers throughout the region. The event was sponsored by literary entity Rain Taxi and was held at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds.