Grineski presents paper at international conference

Steve Grineski, School of Teaching and Learning, presented a paper at the 15th Annual International Conference on Research in Education, sponsored by the Athens Institute for Education and Research, and held in Athens, Greece. The paper was titled, “We were pretty darn good”: A social history of the preparation of rural school teachers, 1900-1950.

CSIS students take second place at MICS Programming Contest

Several Computer Science students attended the Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium held at the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse. While there they competed against 45 teams from universities across the Upper Midwest and Northern Plains states. The teams were given seven difficult problems and three hours in which to solve them. The team of Ashraf Kamel, Joseph Nosie, and Dan […]

MSUM Alum Margaret Zimmerman wins American Society of Physiology Predoctoral Research Award

Margaret Zimmerman received the prestigious American Physiology Society: Water and Electrolyte Homeostasis Predoctoral Research Recognition Award at the 2013 Experimental Biology Meeting. Zimmerman’s abstract entitled “Ang (1-7) has a Greater Contribution to the Blood Pressure Lowering Effects of AT1 Receptor Blockade in Female Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR) Compared to Males” was one of three finalists chosen to compete for the […]