Upcoming Student Academic Conference

A message from Dr. Richard Adler about student’s research projects involving human subjects.

“It is that time of the year when we are beginning to think about our students’ research projects and having your students apply to present at the Student Academic Conference. I would like to remind faculty to think about the nature of their students’ research proposals especially if they involve human subjects. Please remind your students that an IRB proposal should be submitted for approval if human subjects are involved. The student(s) is/are always the co-investigators and the faculty member is the P.I. (Principal Investigator). Most of the time, SAC research would qualify as Exempt. In some instances, Expedited or Full reviews would be required.  Even though this research might be related to a class project, an honors thesis, etc., if human subjects are used for data collection, an IRB approval is necessary before data collection begins. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about your student’s research project and whether IRB approval would be required. The direct link to the IRB website is:  www.mnstate.edu/irb.”

Richard K. Adler, Ph.D.
Chair, IRB
