Patrice Delaney presents on prairie restoration at the online Student Academic Conference

Ecology and evolutionary biology student Patrice Delaney found her passion for the prairie last summer. Her passion turned into research, and although the Student Academic Conference is not happening in person, her project on “Monitoring a Local Prairie Restoration’s Success Before and After a Controlled Burn” will be available on the SAC website. Q: What is your project about? A: […]

22nd Andrew B. Conteh Student Academic Conference held online

The 22nd Andrew B. Conteh Student Academic Conference looks different this year: it will be online. While we cannot be together to celebrate the mentored research and creative works of our students, we can appreciate their hard work and effort through their video presentations and poster exhibits. Please support our students and their mentors by visiting their presentations starting Tuesday, […]

Student Academic Conference to be held online April 21

We are excited to announce that we will have an online Student Academic Conference on April 21. Student presenters will upload videos of their presentation or when appropriate PowerPoint files of their posters between April 14 and April 17. These presentations and posters will be accessible on the SAC website on April 21. Faculty and staff mentors, please email Oscar […]