Housing and Residential Life Name Change and Move

Housing and Residential Life Name Change and Move

    The Housing and Residential Life department name is changing to Housing and Residence Life, effective August 6, 2024.
    Housing and Residence Life is moving from 120 Ballard Hall to 101 South Snarr Hall on August 5, 2024.  The office will be closed for moving on August 5.  Although we’ll still be settling in, the office will reopen on August 6, 2024.
    Students, guests, and campus colleagues visiting the new Housing and Residence Life Office should use the main South Snarr building entrance facing 14th Street during business hours.  Visitor parking will be available in Lot G11 and permits for guests will be available in the Housing and Residence Life Office.
    The exterior doors of Ballard Hall will be locked 24/7 beginning the evening of August 8, 2024. Employees who park in Lots G1 and R6 and pass through Ballard to go their offices will need to walk around Ballard beginning August 9, 2024.
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