FPLC Application Process for Faculty Extra Duty Day for Projects

The Faculty and Professional Learning Center (FPLC) has funding available to provide a limited number of Extended Duty Days to individuals or teams of faculty members in order to work on a specific project or initiative related to MSUM’s Strategic Priorities – https://www.mnstate.edu/about/strategic-priorities or one of the current FPLC themes (Retention; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Student-Centered Practices).

Projects and initiatives could involve augmenting or redesigning an existing course, creating a course, implementing a new strategy for your teaching, etc.  But the committee is willing to consider a wide variety of projects/initiatives.

Individuals and groups selected will receive one (1) extra duty day per person. This EDD, once approved, should be scheduled sometime between Dec. 19, 2022 and June 30, 2023.  The FPLC Director of Office Manager will be contacting you for your selected date if your application is funded.

Application due date: December 2, 5 pm. The FPLC will give a response to your proposal by December 15, 2022.

For more information and to apply, go to this form:  FPLC Application for Extra Duty Day (Faculty Only). 

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