Do you know alumni who couldn’t make it back for Homecoming?

Encourage them to attend MSUM Monday in Minneapolis. MSUM President Anne Blackhurst and faculty will be in Minneapolis to meet alumni and hear about their MSUM experiences. Please encourage alumni and friends to join Anne and MSUM faculty for updates and connecting.

Monday, October 6, 2014 ~  5:30-7:30 p.m.
Kip’s Authentic Irish Pub ~ 9970 Wayzata Boulevard ~ St. Louis Park, Minn.

For more information, call 218.477.2143 or

President Anne and faculty will be in Minneapolis for the National College Fair on Tuesday. If you have family members, neighbors or friends looking for a great university, encourage them to stop by the National College Fair: Minneapolis Convention Center, 1301 2nd Avenue South, Minneapolis.