Study Abroad: WorldStrides Campus Visit 🌍✨

Alex Halvorson will be visiting MSUM on March 18, 2025 to share information with students about global study, research, internship, and volunteer opportunities offered through International Studies Abroad (ISA), one of our partner providers. Alex plans to host an information table in the CMU and will be available for classroom visits to engage with students. If you would like for Alex to visit your […]

A Bold New Tradition: MSUM Graduates Will Wear Red

In a message sent to students last week, President Downs shared the exciting news about transitioning to red commencement regalia. Dear Students,  I am pleased to announce an exciting evolution to our commencement tradition. Beginning with the Spring 2025 ceremony, MSUM graduates will proudly wear red regalia instead of the traditional black gown, a change that boldly reflects our institution’s […]

A Bold New Tradition: MSUM Graduates Will Wear Red

In a message sent to employees last week, President Downs shared the exciting news about transitioning to red commencement regalia. Dear Faculty and Staff,  I am pleased to announce an exciting evolution to our commencement tradition. Beginning with the Spring 2025 ceremony, MSUM graduates will proudly wear red regalia instead of the traditional black gown, a change that boldly reflects […]

Student juried art exhibit winners

A variety of stunning student art was on display at the School of Art’s annual exhibition, juried by art alum Jeff Zachmann. He is a sculptor and owner of Zachmann Studios, where he creates visually interesting kinetic sculptures. There were over 80 artwork entrants for the exhibition and 43 were selected. More than 100 people attended the artist reception. Congratulations […]