MSUM Celebrates Black History Month with Dr. Yvonne Condell

(Inforum) MOORHEAD — In celebration of Black History Month, Minnesota State University Moorhead honored Dr. Yvonne Condell on Thursday, Feb. 27, for her contributions to education and the community. Condell taught biology for 30 years at MSUM and remained active with the university after her retirement in 1995. She has served on the boards of the MSUM Foundation, Minnesota State […]

Ice-Skating and Dairy Queen Trip

Join the Dragon Entertainment Group this Saturday, March 1, for a fun ice-skating trip followed by a visit to Dairy Queen. Ice-skating is free, and we will cover $5 of your order at Dairy Queen. Transportation will be provided, and we will meet at the CMU SunGarden Lounge at 12:30 PM. Be sure to reserve your spot on Dragon Central.

Assistant Professor in the School of Teaching and Learning Wins a Dissertation Award

Dr. Kenneth Driggers, Assistant Professor of Social Foundations of Education in the School of Teaching and Learning, recently won the Social Foundations Doctoral Dissertation award from Georgia State University. His dissertation is titled Articulating the Teacher: Gottlieb, Dreyfus, and Heidegger on Language, and it can be accessed here:

Honor Band and Percussion Ensemble hosted by SPA

The MSUM School of Performing Arts hosted over 70 middle school student for the MSUM Middle School Honor Band this Thursday under the direction of Dr. Benjamin Druffel. This Friday, SPA will host the MSUM Honors High School Percussion Ensemble under the direction of Dr. Kenyon Williams, with a performance on the stage of Hansen Theatre at 2pm. Both events […]

May Commencement Ceremony update

Graduate commencement ceremonies will take place on Friday, May 16, with the undergraduate students as originally planned at Nemzek Hall. The hooding ceremony, which is a unique recognition for students who have earned a master’s or doctoral degree, will take place during these ceremonies.   First Ceremony9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.  Nursing Pinning Ceremony12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Location: Hansen Theatre, […]