MSUM Foundation announces two new board members

The Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM) Foundation proudly welcomes two new members to its Board of Directors. Directors serve for a three-year term, limited to two consecutive full terms.   Jay Nibbe is a retired global vice chair-markets at Ernst & Young (EY), bringing extensive global business leadership and a deep commitment to the university’s mission.  “Jay’s vast experience in […]

SPA student and faculty impact this week

During this “quiet” February week, students and faculty from the School of Performing Arts were making an impact both on our campus and throughout our community: These kinds of events, student achievements, and more are constantly being shared on social media.  If you’re not following #DragonMusic on X, msumdragonbands, msumchoirs, andmsumorchestra on Insta, or MSUM School of Performing Arts on Facebook, you’re missing out!  See […]

MSUM’s Equity by Design web page is live

MSUM’s Equity by Design web page is live. It is linked from the Accreditation & Compliance and Diversity Events & Initiatives web pages.  Equity by Design (EBD) is a university-wide effort to close achievement gaps and ensure all students, regardless of background, have the support they need to succeed. This initiative aligns with Minnesota State’s Equity 2030 vision and is […]

Identifying Zero-Textbook-Cost (Z-Degree) Course Sections for Fall 2025

As we begin to formalize our zero-textbook-cost (Z-Degree) pathway, we are identifying Fall 2025 course sections that do not require students to purchase textbooks. These sections will utilize Open Educational Resources (OERs), other free materials, or library resources. Course sections that meet the criteria will be marked as “No Cost for Textbooks” in eServices, allowing students to see this designation when registering. If your course section […]