Research paper published in Journal of Business Ethics Education

The Journal of Business Ethics Education recently accepted the publication of a research paper co-authored by MBA program coordinator Dr. Greg Gokce Serdar, associate professor Dr. Siwei Zhu, and MBA alum Aleta Sanford. The paper introduces a framework for addressing ethical dilemmas in modern management and proposes a teaching protocol that helps students apply the framework to real-world scenarios. The […]

Moorhead Speaks Event | Feb. 26

You are invited to Moorhead Speaks, a joint event by People of Color Advocacy, Moorhead High School, and MSU Moorhead, on Wednesday, Feb. 26. The cultural event is dedicated to celebrating Black History Month and raising awareness of important issues while inspiring positive change. Doors open at the Gaede Stage for the event at 6 p.m., with a formal program, […]

RHSB Host Lip Sync Battle

Residence Hall Student Board (RHSB) is hosting their 2nd annual Lip Sync Battle on Wednesday, March 26, from 7pm-9pm in CMU Ballroom. We are currently accepting participants – individuals, groups, student organizations, and departments are all welcome to participate! Sign up form below:

Unlock Your Leadership Potential with Executive Coaching at MSUM

Are you a Chair, Director, Team Leader, or an individual eager to accelerate your professional development? MSUM is excited to offer Executive Coaching for Leaders and Teams, designed to empower you in your leadership journey. Executive Coaching provides customized services tailored to explore, identify, and develop your unique talents and skills. Coaching can address a variety of essential topics, such […]