Tax Reminders | MWR & W-2
With the IRS Federal Individual Income Tax filing deadline quickly approaching, here are some important reminders regarding taxes:
W-2s are now available for employees to view under the Tax Forms section in Employee Self-Service.
Paper copies of W-2s will not be mailed to employees who have elected to receive the form electronically.
MWR Tax Reciprocity for ND and MI Residents:
In order to remain eligible for Minnesota tax reciprocity, employees who are residents of either North Dakota or Michigan must re-file to MWR Reciprocity form electronically each calendar year.
Adjunct faculty members will need to complete a new MWR each time they begin a new round of assignments, even when the assignments take place in the same calendar year.
The deadline to submit the MWR form in in Employee Self-Service was Friday, February 28, 2025. Notification was previously sent to all employees on January 17, 2025 reiterating this annual deadline.
If you missed the deadline for completing your MWR form for 2025, please complete your MWR form in Employee Self-Service immediately. Employee changes to tax elections are effective for future pay periods.
Instructions for completing the MWR can be found here, or on the Payroll webpage.
The Office of Human Resources is unable to accept paper MWR forms.
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