Important Workday Timesheet Updates

We want to make you aware of recent updates to the Workday timesheet views and new options for you when entering and reviewing your time entry. These updates apply only to employees who enter time worked and are available to Minnesota State as part of Workday’s biannual updates.

Update 1: Default pay period view on timesheet

The new default timesheet view will show the entire pay period, rather than the prior view of just the work week. This update will make entering time easier by having both weeks on the same screen.

If you enter hours using Auto-fill from Schedule while in the default pay period view, you must select the work week you want to populate. Only one work week selection is allowed at a time. When you review the timesheet to submit, it will again display both pay periods.

Update 2: Optional month view on timesheet

A month-long view of your timesheet will also be available. In the Actions button dropdown, you will now see a new option to Switch Calendar. When you choose Switch Calendar it will default to the work week. by clicking on the Week dropdown, the calendar can be changed to the Month view.

If you enter hours using Auto-fill from Schedule when in the monthly calendar view, you will see every work week within that month to select from. You will need to select the work week(s) for the pay period for which you are submitting time. Only one work week selection is allowed at a time.

Note: Each view you choose has an impact on the Clear functionality. When in the period view, it will clear the period; in the week view it will clear the week; and when in the month view it will clear the month.


An updated job aid will be available soon and posted on the Minnesota State Connect Workday Resources and Training Materials page under Employees.

If you have any questions about these changes, please reach out to the HR office.