Dr. Lisa Habedank Stewart receives Minnesota School Psychology Association’s Ysseldyke Lifetime Achievement Award

Dr. Lisa Habedank Stewart was the recipient of the 2025 Minnesota School Psychology Association Ysseldyke Lifetime Achievement Award to acknowledge her exceptional contributions to the School Psychology field for 30+ years.  Noted accomplishments include authorship on numerous research publications, development of curricula in early literacy, MTSS and RTI, consultation for Minnesota Reading and Math Corps and training of hundreds of high-quality school psychologists in the region and throughout the U.S. over the years.  Lisa is the current director of the MSUM School Psychology program and Project Director of MSUM’s Infuse Mental Health grant.  Lisa continues to inspire school psychology students and alumni with her breadth of knowledge she shares through conference presentations, publications, personal connections and the MSUM school psychology Facebook page. Congratulations Dr. Stewart! The number of students lives  you have positively impacted through your work is immeasurable!