More than 360 MSUM students to graduate Dec. 19

Thursday, Dec. 19 | Roland Dille Center for the Arts Hansen Theatre Minnesota State University Moorhead will award degrees to more than 360 students, including 139 graduate students, during three separate ceremonies for fall commencement on Thursday, Dec. 19, in the university’s Roland Dille Center for the Arts Hansen Theatre. Note the change of location from the previous fall ceremony […]

Signing Santa and the NSSLHA/Collegiate Sertoma Student Group

The Fargo-Moorhead Sertoma Club partnered with MSUM’s student group, the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA)/Collegiate Sertoma, to provide an event for children in the community. On December 7 at Trollwood, Sertoma members, Speech Language Hearing Sciences (SLHS) students and SLHS faculty provided a unique Santa experience for children from the region who use American Sign Language. In addition […]

Welcome Education Abroad and Away Coordinator: Tiara Harris

The Center for Global Engagement is pleased to welcome Tiara Harris as our new Education Abroad and Away Coordinator. Tiara joined MSUM on December 9th. Originally from Michigan, she has lived in Arizona, Japan, and Texas before moving to the Fargo-Moorhead area. Tiara is excited to be part of the global Dragon experience, supporting students, faculty, and staff in navigating […]

Student Voices Needed for CMU Pre-Design

We invite you to join one of the follow-up sessions with JLG Architects to continue the conversation and gather additional input for potential changes in the Comstock Memorial Union (CMU). Follow-Up Sessions: Date: Wednesday, December 11 Times: 11:00–11:50 AM 3:00–3:50 PM Location: CMU 208 Thank you for the strong student representation at the first meeting with JLG Architects. Your input […]