Scholarship Applications Due in 2 Weeks

One online application is all it takes to be eligible for hundreds of 2024-25 scholarships from MSUM. Go to to apply for scholarships based on talent, diversity, academic achievement, financial need and more. Applications are due February 1, 2024. Contact the Office of Scholarship & Financial Aid in Owens 107 with any questions: or 218.477.2251.

Dragon Pride Recognition: Colin Sloan

We recognize Colin Sloan in the post office, for being an exemplary team player to others during an important time. Adison Jaegar says, “I want to acknowledge and commend Colin Sloan for embodying grit, humility, and heart throughout the challenging bookstore transition to Follett. Despite the uncertainty surrounding his position status, Colin has demonstrated exceptional resilience and a level head, […]

Study Abroad Ireland Deadline January 26

Last call for the Nursing & Healthcare in Ireland study abroad program in May 2024. Join Nancy Stock, Associate Professor in the School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership, on a 9 day 8 night short-term study abroad trip to Ireland. The itinerary is available at the online LINK- Ireland Study Abroad. Dates of travel are May 17-26, 2024. Deadline for […]

Dragon Pride Recognition: Susan Koeppe

We recognize Susan Koeppe, accountant for the MSUM Bookstore, for displaying grit, humility, and heart in her work and for her dedication to helping those around her. Adison Jaegar says, “Susan’s loyalty to the organization has been unwavering, and her invaluable skills and flexibility have proven to be instrumental in navigating the complexities of this transition to Follett. Her willingness […]