Get engaged and informed to vote

The Library hosted two recent events to inform and engage voters in this upcoming political season.

The Constitution Day Panel nearly doubled attendance from last year to nearly 30 attendees. Featured in the Forum story, “MSUM Hosts Panel on Voting, Democracy, and Campus Roles for New Voters”, President Downs said, “It’s important for all universities to have these conversations, to talk to students about things like the history in politics and our U.S. Constitution and the rights that we have that we have to actually take advantage of, to have a voice and to be a voter, an informed voter.”  

The League of Women Voters and MSUM Student Senate spoke with 60 students to see if they were registered to vote during National Voter Registration Day. They registered 10 new voters and handed out VOTE411 Make a Voting Plan palm cards. They will continue motivating everyone to register up until, or on, Election Day, Nov. 5.

“For the Library, we are going to be pushing all the civic holidays that are coming up. It’s stuff like voting early, it’s for National Voter Education Week,” said Cori Edgerton with the League of Women Voters in the Forum story, “Local Advocates Help MSUM Students Register to Vote on National Voter Registration Day”.

Watch for more information about these upcoming civic holidays from the Library’s social media accounts:   

  • National Voter Education Week: October 7-11
  • Vote Early Day: October 29
  • Election Hero Day: November 4
  • Election Day: November 5

Visit the Student Voter Engagement website to help make a plan to vote, including: 

  • Register  
  • Learn about early voting options 
  • Research candidates and issues 
  • Check ID requirements 
  • Find your polling place