Last chance to RSVP for National Student Employment Week events

RSVPs due on March 27 for this year’s National Student Employment Week activities!

April 8 | Winners announced for Student Employee and Supervisor of the Year

    Submit a nomination for Student Employee of the Year – Submissions are due by March 27 at 4:30 pm: Do you have a student employee who has gone above and beyond this year? Submit a nomination for the Student Employee of the Year award! Click the link above for more details and instructions on the nomination process.
    Submit a nomination for Supervisor of the Year – Submissions are due by March 27 at 4:30 pm: Recognize the outstanding contributions and achievements of MSUM supervisors. Student employees and department leaders are encouraged to nominate supervisors who have shown exemplary commitment and initiative in their work supervising student employees.

April 9 @ 10 am-4:30 pm in the Career Development Center | Cards & Cookies

    Supervisors are invited to RSVP to pick up cookies and thank you cards to provide to your student employees during National Student Employment Week!
    To order the appropriate number of cookies and cards, supervisors are required to RSVP by March 27

April 10 @ 12-1 pm in CMU 205 | Career Cultivation: Harvesting Transferable Skills from On-Campus Employment 

    Encourage your student employees to attend this event where they will learn how to translate the skills they’ve developed as student employees to their future careers. Students will gain career confidence and understand how to help future employers better understand their experiences and skills. No RSVP required

April 11 @ 10 am-2 pm in the Career Development Center | Green Thumb Gathering: Student Employee Planting Party (and Dragon Train rides!)

We also encourage supervisors to find other meaningful ways to recognize their student employees during this time. Here are a few low and no-cost ideas!

    Create a Wall of Fame with employee photos, compliments, peer-to-peer/staff-to-student employees notes of thanks, etc…
    Post on social media or create a video to share
    Have the full-time staff members write personalized notes to the students detailing how they assist them day-to-day and thanking them
    Conduct a scavenger hunt
    Hold your own office awards ceremony and give out awards for unique categories like best attendance, best computer skills, most organized, best customer service, etc…
    Host an office pizza party or ice cream social

Questions? Contact Sam in the Career Development Center at