Employee Resources Groups
Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) provide a space for employees to gather and work collaboratively toward common goals. These groups often co-sponsor events for professional development for underrepresented groups, including bringing in speakers, conducting trainings, and delivering workshops. The ERGs also can provide less structured opportunities for employee socialization and engagement. It’s critical to allow the ERG to decide its focus while adhering to the organization’s principles, and mission for equity and inclusion.
Current statewide ERGs which are available include:
- Employees of Color ERG
- Womxn in Higher Education ERG
- Indigenous Men and Men of Color Workgroup
- Jewish ERG
Joining an ERG
Participation in ERGs is completely voluntary and employees can choose to participate in any campus or statewide group, or consider forming their own group consistent with the parameters contained within the ERG Guidelines.
If you would like to sign up to participate in an Employee Resource Group, please fill out the following SURVEY.
Statewide ERG Points of Contact
Indigenous Men and Men of Color
- Corey Crowder,
- Cash Robinson,
Employees of Color ERG (POCI)
- Tarnjeet Kang,
- Jonathan Hamilton,
- Nancy Floyd,
- Jessica Wade-Ferrell,
Womxn in Higher Education ERG
- Laura Boche,
- Lise Freking,
Jewish ERG
- Barb Curchack,
For more information, visit https://www.minnstate.edu/system/equity/ERGs.html.