Psychology Research Opportunity

New Psychology Research Opportunity

A new research opportunity is available for MSUM students. We are looking for students between the ages of 18-22 to participate in in-person psychology research. During the research, participants will be asked to complete two academic tasks. The research will last 30 minutes. All participants will be compensated for their time by either receiving extra credit in participating classes or being placed in a drawing for 1 of 5 $20 Target gift cards.

To help make things easier to read, the research information is presented below. The link to sign up is included in that information. The link is also available on the Psychology Department Research Sign-Up page. I have also attached a poster with a QR code, if that is easier for you.


Study Information:

Study Title: Academic Performance in a Classroom Setting

Note: Participants must be ages 18-22 for this experiment

Study Type: In-person experiment

Experimenter: Kate Watson

Contact information:

Brief Description of Study: If you decide to participate, you will be asked to complete 2 academic-type tasks.

Time Required: 30 minutes


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