Notice of Annual Public Meeting for MSUM’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program

MSUM will hold a public meeting to comply with the annual reporting requirements of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency General Stormwater Permit for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s). The meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 6th, at 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. in the Physical Plant’s Conference Room (MB102). The current year’s progress regarding implementation of the […]

Dragon Faces in New Places & MSUM New Hire!

Dragon Faces in New Places: Justin McDowell – Assistant Veterans Resource Outreach Director Start Date: 5/15/2023 Academic Affairs Administration Congratulations on your new position Justin! Kari Thompson – Head Volleyball Coach Start Date: 5/15/2023 Athletics Congratulations on your new position Kari! MSUM New Hire: Please join us in welcoming the following new employee to Minnesota State University Moorhead! Make sure […]

The State Retirement Seminar

Are you planning to retire in five years or less, or advise potential retirees? Then you may be interested in attending the two-day virtual State Retirement Seminar! This seminar will provide you with information on how your pension and social security benefits are calculated, and give you with the tools you need to successfully plan your time and estate after […]

Remembering Mark Rice

Mark P. Rice, University Comptroller, retired from MSUM in January 2013 after a long career in service to both MSU Moorhead and the State of MN.  Mark passed away on Sunday, May 7, 2023. Mark’s funeral services will be Thursday & Friday, May 18-19, 2023 under the care of Wright Funeral Home.

BSN Class of 2023 Pinning Ceremony

Join us in congratulating MSUM’s BSN Class of 2023. Each graduating BSN student will receive a nursing pin following commencement to symbolize of the nursing students’ hard work and dedication towards their coursework and clinicals. Congratulations to the BSN Class of 2023!