Parking Rates for 2023-2024
MSUM parking lot maintenance, repair, reconstruction, snow removal equipment and vehicle costs are covered by fees from parking permits, metered parking and parking fines. Tuition and other fees are not used for this purpose.
The MSUM Facilities, Grounds, & Safety Committee (FGSC) is charged with reviewing the Universities parking regulations and rates annually. In addition to FGSC reviewing the parking rates, MSUM Student Senate was also consulted.
As a result of the consultation process, parking permit rates will increase by approximately 5% for 2023-2024. This will help maintain campus parking lot conditions to meet expectations and needs of students, staff and visitors. Below is a summary of last year and 2023-2024 permit rates.

If you have any questions, please contact Ryan Nelson, MSUM Director of Public Safety at 218.477.5869 or