Discipline Specific Learning Communities for Faculty: Accounting, Health & Exercise Science, Economics, Math, and Cross-Discipline

Minnesota State received funding through the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund to support faculty members within disciplines to come together to explore culturally responsive teaching practices. This spring the discipline-specific learning communities are Accounting; Health & Exercise Science; Economics; Math; and Cross-Discipline (prior approval required).

All participants will receive the e-book for Zaretta Hammond’s Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain.

This Spring 2023 opportunity is open to any Minnesota State faculty teaching courses within the participating disciplines and associated subjects.  These learning communities begin January 25- January 27 with specific regular live sessions. For more information about learning outcomes, when each discipline-specific group meets, and to register go here:  Discipline-Specific Faculty Learning Communities for Spring 2023.

Registration deadline is January 20.